“To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:4).
Whenever you take a long road trip, you may have to stop along the way and stay overnight at a hotel. If you know this ahead of time, you should make a reservation so you will have a room waiting for you.
We are on a journey to Heaven. We will make various stops along the way. We only need to make one “reservation” and that will assure us of a place to stay when we finally get there. In Luke 10:20b we read, “…but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” This book is often referred to the “Lamb’s Book of Life.” When we accept Christ as Savior our names are recorded. Our “reservation” is made.
John 14:1-3 gives us the promise that God is building us a place for those ready to meet Him. Its beauty is beyond compare. The day our journey ends we can move right in because we made our “reservation.” We’re not going to have to pack up all our earthly possessions to take with us. Our mansion will be completely furnished. However, until you arrive at this destination, you will need to pack a few necessities that you will find useful along the way. As we look at them this week, let us be thankful we can travel light.
Sue Winchester MissouriPRAY TOGETHER: Pray and prepare to give to the Paul Ketteman Student Scholarship Drive for FWBBC in December.