“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight” (Luke 24: 27; 30).
Before Christ ascended, He made several appearances to His disciples and other of His followers. One such appearance occurred on the road to Emmaus, the day of His resurrection. Scholars may debate the identity of these followers, but whoever they were, they didn’t recognize that He was Christ. The two men had been talking about Jesus and the events of surrounding His crucifixion. In their grief they were confused and disillusioned.
Jesus taught them from the Scriptures concerning Himself, sharing with them how prophecies had been fulfilled. He then went on to share a meal with them. He broke the bread and passed it around. Suddenly, like light dawning, their eyes were opened and they recognized Christ. What joy they felt! Christ had risen! However, as soon as that happened, He vanished from them.
Christ then met with His disciples and convinced them of His bodily resurrection. He gave them their final instructions to evangelize the world.
Many today need their eyes opened to the truths of God and His Word. Unless we point them to the “risen light,” their eyes will remain closed. Can we stand by as they stumble in the darkness?
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that God’s people will have open ears and obedient hearts. He’s still calling workers to the fields white unto harvest.