The Birth of Christ

Those were days of darkness and despair.
God’s chosen people seemed not to care.
A form of religion was carried on,
But the spirit of worship was almost gone.

Few even looked back on Isaiah’s claim:
The Messiah would come; here are His names:
Wonderful, Counselor and Prince of Peace
Whose rule will continue and never cease.

And when the fullness of God’s time had come,
He sent the Messiah: His only Son!
Not to a palace, as everyone planned,
But to a crude stable, owned by a man.

No trumpet sounded to herald His birth,
But heavenly angels came down to earth.
Their glorious presence brought a great light
To shepherds attending their flock that night.

The shepherds were told: a Savior is Born!
They hastened to see Him that early morn.
The baby was there on the pungent hay.
The Lord Jesus Christ was born on that day.

The shepherds received the small baby boy
With heartfelt praise and abundant joy.
They told everyone what the angel said:
They had seen Jesus; asleep in His bed.

Look back on the scene of that long ago night.
Feel the warmth of that glorious light.
Then hasten to seek the Savior today
Praise Him; adore Him this Christmas day.

Joan Warren

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for the Nantes, France, FWB Church choir who will be singing in local malls during the Christmas season.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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