“And the two disciples heard Him speak, and they followed Jesus” (John 1:37).
Jesus was on a mission to find the twelve men that were chosen to work closely with Him during His short ministry here on earth. As I read this portion of scripture, I noticed that these men just heard Him speak and they gave their lives to Him and followed Him. Some went almost immediately and found others to bring with them. In my mind, I compared what I read to us as Christians. When I hear God speak to me, whether through preaching or by reading His precious Scripture, am I that quick to follow Him? Do I let what I’ve heard or read just linger for a short time in my mind and then let it go away without really applying it to my life personally? Am I trying to get others to follow Jesus with me or am I just trying to slide into eternal life the easiest way possible? My prayer to God is that I may hear His word and apply it to my life daily. I want to truly do His will and I want to help others see the need of a Savior. I want to show them to the best of my ability, may it be by word, deed or example, the way to Heaven, through and by our precious Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. May we all make that a goal in our walk with God.
Debbie White West VirginiaPRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for the Gift He gave us many years ago.