“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12).
July’s focus is “Shine in Obedience.” In past devotionals, we have looked at the various aspects of light and shining in that light. Disobedience will hinder us from shining brightly in a darkened world. And our choice of clothing is an obstacle the enemy uses to block us from being obedient. We can’t be much of a light if we’re wearing garments of darkness. Our Scripture verse today admonishes us to discard “works of darkness.” If we’re going to make a fashion statement for the Lord to a lost and dying world, we must “put on the armor of light.” The Lord’s return is fast approaching. As an obedient child of God, what will you be wearing that day? Don’t be found with a closet full of nothing to wear. Protect yourself and your testimony by slipping into your armor daily. I guarantee, you will stand out in the world.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: On this Fourth of July, thank God for freedom of religion.