“So Jesus used this illustration, If you had one hundred sheep, and one of them strayed away and was lost in the wilderness, wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine others to go and search for the lost one until you found it?” (Luke 15:3-4 NLT).
Would you make it as a shepherd? Counting your flock each day? Watching the sheep every moment they’re awake? Constantly being aware of lurking enemies? Trudging through briars, mud and thunderstorms to find the one who didn’t return to the barn?
Well, would you? Okay, how about this: Are you?
Are you sending out notes to those that are still lost in sin’s wilderness? Does God hear their names lifted up to Him, by you, each day? Ever lost sleep over the 100th little lamb?
Simply put, our flocks are lacking. We have room for many, many more. God did not create us for the world’s wiles and temptations. He is not willing that any should be lost.
Would you be a good shepherd? Are you being a good shepherd?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Free Will Baptist Bible College serves as a training center for many young lives. Pray for increased enrollment this fall.