One Thing: Shine in Obedience

“So she did what she was told.  Her sons brought her many jars, and she filled one after another.  Soon every container was full to the brim!”  (2 Kings 4:5-6 NLT).

Not, “she did what she could.”

Not, “she did what she thought was right.”

Not, “she did what others were doing.”

Not, “she did what she considered the right thing to do.”

This woman’s blessing came only after she did what she was told to do.

The same is true for the blessings He has in store for me.  When I take my eyes off others, their instructions, their orders, their ministries, I can get down to the brass tacks and accomplish what He’s asking me to do.


Then I can reap the rewards of obedience—and, oh does our Father know how to give rewards.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that early convention attendees will Impact Charlotte for Christ through their efforts today.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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