“And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18).
The last week of our August study concerns delivering the truth. It’s our blessed privilege to participate in the Great Commission. Jesus was ready to ascend to His Father, His mission on earth completed. His disciples had to be wondering what they were to do now. Jesus stepped up and uttered the profound statement of today’s verse. This would remove all doubt concerning Who He was and still is. While Christ lived on earth, He submitted Himself to His Father’s authority. After the Resurrection, He resumed His Heavenly power and authority. He would have unbridled sovereignty. He is worthy to issue commands. We, as His servants, must choose to obey them. As we learn more about God’s final “marching orders,” we must be willing to shine in truth through Christ’s unlimited power and authority.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for believers caught in the political crossfires and conflicts throughout North Africa.