NOTE: September marks the premiere issue of Treasure, WNAC’s new study guide. In preparation, this week’s daily devotionals focus on Scripture passages concerning treasure. We pray that you will treasure God’s Word and hope you will enjoy this new publication.
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(If you’re a current TWG subscriber, you will automatically receive the Fall 2011 issue of Treasure.)
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal” (Matthew 6:19-20).
As we embark on a new adventure in Bible study through Treasure, let us look this week at this word. The world looks at treasure as “wealth or riches stored or accumulated.” Our materialistic world defines treasure as precious metals, money, or other possessions which are temporal. I choose another definition. As I see it, it is “any thing or person greatly valued or prized.” The child of God should views treasure with eternity in mind. When we value material treasure more than God—this poses a problem. God will one day look at what we’ve done with what He entrusted us to have and use.
Today’s verses, written in red, admonish us not to so tightly grasp earthly treasures that we forget to be good stewards of what we possess. Having great wealth and possessions is not wrong. However, when life is over, we can’t take it with us. How we use our treasures, in service to God, is what we are “laying up” or sending on before we reach Heaven.
Noted preacher C.H. Spurgeon said, “Let our desires and efforts go after heavenly things. These are not liable to any decay within themselves, nor can they be taken from us by force or fraud. Does not wisdom bid us seek such sure possessions? Out of our earthly possessions that which is used for God is laid up in heaven. What is given to the poor and to the Lord’s cause is deposited in the Bank of Eternity. To heaven we are going, let us send our treasures before us. There they will be safe from decay, and robbery: but in no other place may we reckon them to be secure. I will at once remember the Church and its Missions, orphans, aged saints, and poor brethren: these are my treasury boxes, and I will bank my money there.”
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for prisoners in local jails today. Visit if at all possible.