Hidden Treasure

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field”  (Matthew 13:44).

Preparing today’s devotional was like digging for buried treasure.  The more I dug, the treasure I found in the Word became more precious. As you might guess, the Bible is a priceless treasure to me.

Jesus taught with parables—basically earthly stories with heavenly meanings.  WE could summarize today’s passage by saying it is about a man who found a treasure hidden in a field.  You notice it doesn’t say what the treasure is. And it appears the field had belonged to someone else.  However, whatever that treasure, the man just knows it is valuable. In his excitement, he wants it no matter what the cost..  He doesn’t go to the local bank. As you know, there were none in that day.  He hides the treasure in the field, then proceeds to buy the field.  He sells all that he has and buys it.  He is overjoyed because now the treasure belongs to him. Nice story, but what does it all mean?

Here is what I have gleaned in my study.  The parable is about a man who sold all he had to possess the kingdom. We cannot put a price on the value of the Kingdom.  The treasure found is Christ and the free gift of salvation.  We can’t pay for our salvation. Christ already paid a high price for it with His life on the Cross.  However, when we find the treasure, we should be willing to do all we can do to possess and cherish it.   When we discover just how valuable the treasure is, we are overjoyed that it now belongs to us. The parable that follows about a pearl is similar to a point—but with one difference: the hidden treasure doesn’t have to take years to find.

How much do you value the treasure? Enough to submit your will to Him?  Enough to put His kingdom first in your life?

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Another new month! Am I excited about ways God can work through me? “Lord, give me holy anticipation concerning Your work in my life this month. Today may I truly value You as treasure above all.” Amen.

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