Be Careful

“So now, with God as our witness, I give you this charge for all of Israel, the Lord’s assembly:  Be careful to obey all the commands of the Lord your God, so that you may possess this good land and leave it to your children as a permanent inheritance”  (1 Chronicles 28:8 NLT).

Are you being careful?

No, I’m not referring to limiting your time in the sun, lathering yourself with sunblock. I’m not talking about cutting back on saturated fats or high cholestrol foods. I’m not even referring to the scheduled exams and tests recommended to screen for pre-cancerous growths.

I’m asking, “Are you being careful to live a godly life, so those who come after you will inherit godliness?”

So?  Are you?

You’re not depending upon preachers and Sunday School teachers, are you?  A couple of hours a week? (That’s if you get up and out the door on Sunday morning, right? Ouch, I know.)  Really, do you think that’s passing on an inheritance?

You’re certainly not depending upon the government to protect our freedom of worship, are you?  Although Scripture tells us officials are there because of God’s intervention, I find few politicians who are on the Lord’s side.

You’re not resting on your laurels when it comes to making sure your children need the Lord, are you?  Thinking Grandpa’s deacon-ship is a ticket to get in the Pearly Gates? Trusting your big, dusty, family Bible as a certainty?  Depending upon your name printed on a church’s membership roll?

Neither faith nor Christian values will be genetically transferred to the next generation.
Be careful to obey God’s Word so that your children will know the peace, joy and love of serving God. Be very careful.

Malinda Edgell


PRAY TOGETHER:  Lord, bless my Sunday school teacher, pastor and the leadership of my local church as they serve today.


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