“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Once we recognize a heart problem, we must determine the answers to some difficult questions. Is the problem hereditary? What factors contributed to this problem? Did the problem originate at birth? From a spiritual viewpoint, today’s verse answers the last question. Yes, we have a congenital heart problem—thanks to the original sin. We are born with a sin nature. Yet, thanks be unto God for His treatment plan for the heart’s greatest need—salvation.
Most heart patients learn the benefits of doing some form of exercise. Walking is best, and this week we are going to be walking The Romans Road. You may have walked this path before, but sometimes we need to hit that trail again. Maybe this time you can ask others to join you. At the end of that road lies the beginning of an abundant life in Christ. Knowing He stands ready to walk with us the rest of our journey should fill our hearts with joy . Others need this hope as much as we do.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Does your church schedule a fall revival? Pray about needs; ask God to reveal how you might be a spark to ignite the flame.