All Can Be Saved

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”  (Romans 10:13).

God’s prescription (salvation) is available to anyone who calls upon Him. We have reached the last mile marker on The Romans Road, but the journey doesn’t end there. It just gives us the assurance we need to begin walking other paths God has mapped out for us.

Our writer states “If you’ve already experienced salvation, reread the verses and renew your commitment to the Savior Who died for you.”  Jesus takes care of our every need, including our heart needs.

Prepare for a heart reassessment next week. Just as we go for a check up—to follow up on a physical problem, we must regularly re-evaluate our spiritual heart condition as well.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Focus your prayers today on one or more missionaries already on the fields. Most have internet access. Why not speak (write out) your prayers for them in an email? Telling someone you are praying is good, but actually sharing that prayer with them is often better.

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