“And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to every man according to his several ability, and straightway took his journey” (Matthew 25:15).
The above verse is just a portion of the familiar parable of the talents. In the parable we see talents as being money. All servants were given different amounts by their master to manage until his return. Two of them handled theirs wisely and doubled what they were given. Their master was so pleased he gave them more responsibility and invited them to rejoice with him. The third servant hid his money and didn’t even bother to place it in a bank. When his master returned, he made excuses. The master told him to give his talent to the servant who now had ten and punished the servant severely for his laziness and disobedience.
Whether it is financial or spiritual gifts, which could both be called talents, God, our Master, has bestowed on each of us in various degrees, something to manage until His return. How we handle what God entrusts to us can depend on our level of faith and obedience. Even in this life, He may give us more as He sees how we use what we are and have to please Him. What we have and are is not about “what’s in it for me.” It’s all about pleasing our Master. Someday soon our Master will return. Woe unto those who have wasted their lives, squandering what God has given them. The severe punishment of being cast into outer darkness forever should make people consider the error of their ways. However, those who have been good and faithful servants will be invited to rejoice with the Master for all eternity.
Sue Winchester MissouriPRAY TOGETHER: Is someone on your heart today? Bring them to the Lord in prayer.