Diversity Within the Body

“If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?  If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?”  (1 Corinthians 12:17).

Psalm 139:14 states we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  By God’s design, every part of our body was arranged with its various functions. Those different parts cause the body to perform properly.  If every part were the same or functioning in a different capacity, the body would be abnormal.  Back in Paul’s day, the Corinthians were encountering problems concerning diversity.  Their confusion was leading to dissension in the Church. They needed to realize that God called every member to do his or her part or the church would suffer.

Think of your own church. Are its members doing their part for the benefit of the whole body?  Do you know where you fit into the Body of Christ?  Are you striving to find your spiritual gift or gifts?  Exercising your faith and trust in God’s Word will give you the strength to open them up and use them.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Does our spiritual growth match the growth of our hair/nails, etc?  Which do we feed the most? Pray today for your own spiritual growth and for the spiritual growth of women in North Africa.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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