“Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” (Matthew 6:27).
I am a major worrier. It seems as if I can find something to worry about even when there isn’t anything to worry about at that particular time. The more I study the subject of worry; I can see that it isn’t pleasing to God. It shows a lack of faith and trust. God knows what He is doing. We can pray and ask God to take care of the need or problem. Then, we need to trust Him with it. He has control. If something does happen, we know there is a reason. My prayer is “Dear God, You know the reason for my worry and concern. My hands are too small and I can do nothing in myself about this situation. I trust you to take care of it. In Jesus’ blessed name I pray.” Amen.
Debbie White West VirginiaPRAY TOGETHER: Take a few minutes today just to thank God for the blessings He gives us each day.