“…But the God of my father has been with me…” (Genesis 31:5 NLT).
The last day of 2011. Number 365. The final 24 hours.
What are you saying about it?
Good riddance?
Hate to see it go?
Where has it gone?
I’m not sure what’s filled your year. I can only guess: blessings, heartache, joy, grief, highs, lows, excitement, fear, awe, despair?
No matter what’s occurred, can you say, “But the God of my father has been with me”? (Genesis 31:5 NLT)?
Better yet, can you say, “But my God has been with me”?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray encouragement for missionaries sidelined from ministry due to lack of funding. Pray that end of the year giving to FWBIM will allow them to go and/or return to their fields of service.