“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Usually when we see the word energize, we think of exercise. As Body builders, we know the latter is essential for our physical and spiritual health. However, when I think of energize I think more of being rejuvenated. After a good workout, you should feel refreshed. If not, maybe you haven’t exercised in a while. If so, take it slow and you will see results. Putting a new year revitalization plan together takes time, too. Once you do, you will see it was worth the time and any sacrifice. It takes hard work, determination and patience. Remember, anything you do in service for the Lord is never in vain. Exercise your faith and put your love for Christ into action. That will help jump-start your spiritual battery.
You may wonder how this week leads into our January study, “Encouragement is a Ministry.” We’ve put together this new year plan and hopefully made a commitment to use it. However, after the first week we will need encouragement. Our writer states, “Encouragement comes as a pat on the back; sometimes it’s a kick in the pants. Sometimes it’s a kind word, and other times it takes the form of a sharp reprimand.” We must not only be receivers of encouragement; we must also be willing to be givers. I’m amazed how many women say they don’t think they have any spiritual gifts. Have you ever thought of encouragement as a gift or ministry? Hopefully our January study will help answer that question. As we begin to exercise this core value, we will become a better Body builder. In turn, we’ll become stronger in the Lord.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Home Missions Director Larry Powell as he leads and casts a vision for this vital ministry.