“Then the Lord asked satan, Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth–a man of complete integrity. He fears God and will have nothing to do with evil” (Job 1:8 NLT).
Ethical investing is a buzz-word in social circles nowadays. It’s a neat term for making stocks and bonds purchases only of companies maintaining Christian ethics, selling non-offensive products and using tactful advertising. Businesses are scored according to their commitment to charitable giving, employee relations and impact on the community. The premise behind the idea is that good stewardship should prompt us all to use our money as wisely as possible, because after all, it’s not really ours. One could also say that in placing our money into God-honoring businesses, we are using it to spread the gospel even farther.
Job and his oxen/sheep/donkey/camel business could have been listed as a company of choice on the ethical investors Top Ten in his day. It’s stated, by God himself, that Job was a man of complete integrity. And let’s be honest, if God says that about someone, you can take it to the bank.
Makes me do a little soul-searching. You see, would the company I work for be considered a good Christian investment because of me? Do my work ethics point to God? Does my idle time honor Christ? Do the jokes I tell, the jokes I laugh at, the conversations I allow myself into–do they show integrity on my part?
Put aside my titles: church member, Sunday School teacher, Cubbie leader. Do I show godliness throughout the week? Do my Monday through Saturday actions and attitudes match up with my Sunday face?
Would I be recommended by God as worthy, filled with integrity, a good and godly investment, like Job?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sue Winchester, weekday Treasure devotional writer, as she faces ongoing health concerns.