“And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son” (I John 5:11).
We love and serve such a giving God. I have just touched the surface of all He gives and does. The one thing that keeps most of us fighting the good fight of faith is the hope of a brighter tomorrow. Rewinding back to Monday’s devotion, if it weren’t for God giving His only Son, we would not have the hope He gives us today.
We can rejoice in the hope there will be better days ahead. Knowing He is preparing to come back to take us with Him to glory, should keep us going on no matter what we face on this earth. God keeps His promises and as we read John 14:1-3, we should be filled with joy that soon we’ll go to live with Him.
Sue Winchester MissouriPRAY TOGETHER: Continue to pray for the effectiveness of monthly TWG Bible studies.