“….but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6b).
David faced many seasons of adversity. We find one recorded in I Samuel 30. The Amalekites had raided and burned the city of Ziklag and taken all its women captive. Two of David’s wives were among those taken. The NIV Study Bible states, “The absence of David and his warriors gave the Amalekites opportunity for revenge.”
David and his men were exhausted and distressed. However, David, went to the One who could give him the strength and encouragement to carry on. The end result was David’s army destroyed the Amalekites and he was able to retrieve everything and everyone that had been taken. He gave God the glory.
There is a lesson here for us today. When it seems the odds are against us, gather strength and encouragement from the Lord. It worked for David, and, it will work for us. We can encourage others to do the same.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for city officials and government workers in your community today.