“…When he comes to receive glory and praise from his holy people. And you will be among those praising him on that day, for you believed what we testified about him” (2 Thessalonians 1:10 NLT).
I’m not an outgoing person. Oh, I can yell and holler, but I rarely do. I can belly laugh and snort, but I usually chuckle. I have it in me to be the life of the party and the attention-getting promoter of projects, but usually, well usually, I’m on the sidelines cheering softly or on the back row writing out a card to drop in the mailbox. What I’m feeling you can usually tell by the look on my face.
I’m of the quieter type—pretty laid back. I get excited about a lot of things, but overly excited? Hardly ever.
I’d like to think I’m saving it up. Yes, saving it up. I’m saving it up for when Christ returns and I get to pull up a box, get everyone’s attention and praise from the top of my lungs: HE DID JUST WHAT HE SAID HE’D DO!
You see, I’m a believer. I believe each and every promise He’s made in the Bible. I believe He can be trusted with my heart’s deepest desires and most petty wants. I believe He’s coming back for His own, that I am one of them and a mansion awaits me.
For that, I’ll stand and shout. At that moment, the loudest among you will be quieted by my hooping and hollering. As I stand before my Lord and King receiving entrance in to the Holy City, everyone in heaven will hear my excitement.
But today my praises will be of a lower key. Oh, they’ll still be given, but in a softer voice and in a quieter manner. I’m praising Him, but I’m also saving up energy required to one day shout from the rooftop of my heavenly home: I MADE IT, BY GOD’S GRACE, I REALLY MADE IT! THANK YOU, LORD!
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray encouragement and God’s protection for Asian believers meetings today in house churches.