“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done” (Luke 22:42).
God was all God, but we must remember, at this time, He was God in the flesh. That part of Him had to feel like we would have, “Lord, is there another way this can be done?” Instead of giving in to the flesh, He emptied Himself of it and gave His Will over to His Father. He prayed alone while His weary disciples slept outside the garden. Imagine all the emotions He had to have felt, but He didn’t let them control Him. Everything was now in His Father’s hands. He was not just praying for the upcoming event but He looked ahead in time. His time of agonizing in prayer was going to impact you and me as well.
When we are struggling with life’s decisions, are we quick to want things done our way, or, are we willing to turn our circumstances over to God and ask that His will be done?
Sue Winchester MissouriPRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Tim and Di Keener and Matt and Cristina Price as they and French Christians begin a new church in St. Herblain. Ask for God’s guidance.