“Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2).
The title of this month’s study is “Quite a Stretch.” Those of us who exercise by choice or through therapy understand the need to stretch. Physically, after a good warm up, stretching is beneficial to your exercise regiment. It minimizes injury, especially if you are a beginner at trying to build a healthier body. If stretching is done properly, it can enhance your performance.
From a spiritual perspective, if we’re going to be Body builders, we’re going to have to come out of our comfort zone, and stretch beyond our serving capacity. I’m reminded of the old song, “My House is Full.” Many want to be everywhere else but in the harvest. As we pray our verse, ask ourselves: How willing are we to be a labourer?
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for WNAC Executive Director Elizabeth Hodges today.
Church attendance continues to decline. Some churches only meet once a week. It must sadden the heart of Jesus to see the lack of church growth. Does it upset you as well?
I like how our study writer begins this week dealing with “Barriers to Growth.” Think about your own church and its outreach program. Or does your church have one? It’s a sobering thought our writer shares, “churches that do not grow will die.” Is it just your church that needs to “stretch”? Or, just as important, what about you? The “harvest” demands us to “stretch” our limits. Jesus is coming soon. Will He finding you working in the fields?