“And Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him” (Genesis 7:5).
Considering there had been no rain on the earth and God asked Noah to build an ark, some probably thought him to be “hilarious.” For all the years he gave of his time and energy to do as God commanded, he suffered mockery and people scorned him with laughter. Yet as our scripture states, Noah obeyed God. And, in spite, of all the ridicule, Noah and his family were spared when the great flood washed away everything including all the scoffers who made Noah’s task almost unbearable.
As you live your life for the Lord, you may face ridicule. There will be those who will think you are “hilarious” for living for Jesus. Sadly, they are making more fun of Jesus than you. Let your light shine and continue to be a witness for Jesus. If you have done your best for Jesus, in the end, God will take care of your scoffers.
Sue Winchester MissouriPRAY TOGETHER: Today is a good day to pray for retired missionaries. Do we encourage them?