“Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18a).
If churches are going to grow, they must catch an outreach vision. Our writer states, “Church unity is vital, especially for outreach. Without unity, we will never move past the church walls and out of the building.” There must be a unified effort to get church members involved in winning the lost to Jesus. So many churches don’t have an outreach program. They are on the brink of locking their doors. Why? They failed to catch the vision.
Maybe your church has an outreach program and you aren’t on the team. The success or failure of your church depends on the recruitment of people who understand the meaning of today’s verse.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Mark McPeak, FWBIM Director of Advancement as he shares the vision of world evangelism and challenges churches toward greater involvement.