All Nations Stretch

“And the gospel must first be published among all nations” (Mark 13:10).

In our verse and also in Matthew 24, we see signs for the end of the age. No one but the Father knows the date when He will send His Son to bring His children home. However, we certainly notice some warnings that this day is fast approaching. I mentioned yesterday about the vast number of nations in this world. Today’s verse, in reference to the end times, states that all nations will have the opportunity to hear the gospel. It will be proclaimed in some form.   Though Bible scholars differ concerning whether this has already been fulfilled or is yet to happen, with each passing day, we see more and more prophecy fulfilled.   Time swiftly passes; we must redeem it. Join in the all nations stretch, envisioning that joyous day when people from every tribe and nation will join together in praise to our Savior and King.

Our mission focus today is Russia and Asia. Specific areas include Japan, Russia, India and Nepal.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Remember these requests for Day Three of WNAC PreEaster Week of Prayer.
Russia: Praise the Lord for our strong and ongoing partnership
with the Baptist Union. Pray they will resist and stand against
doctrinal positions that cause division in the church. Pray for
Russian pastors’ efforts to reach out cross-culturally.
India and Nepal: Praise the Lord for the great work going on in
India and Nepal. Any given Sunday, over 16,000 believers gather
in FWB churches. Praise Him for 369 churches, for 102 people
in training; for hundreds baptisms in the last year. Pray for
Brother Carlisle Hanna’s health and wisdom as he counsels and
leads pastors. Pray for endurance for churches as they face
persecution from Hindu and Muslim radicals.
Japan: Praise the Lord for open doors as a result of the 2011
tsunami. Continue to pray for missionaries and teams (such as
the THP trip planned) as they reach out to minister to those in
need and share the gospel. Pray for the six ordained pastors, the
10 churches, and 12 missionaries ministering in this recovering
country. Pray for the financial situation as the weakened dollar
against the yen has caused a 12% loss.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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