“For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).
This verse reveals Paul’s healthy mindset. Though Corinth was filled with learned men, he never altered his message to suit them. Paul’s determination allowed his mind to stay set on the truth.
Do you know people whom, once they make up their mind to do something, nothing stops. Maybe you are even that way. From a spiritual view, that kind of determination can help accomplish much for the glory of God.
Be rooted and grounded in the Word and willing to share the message of truth and hope everywhere you go. Don’t be afraid to expand your mindset and find ways to help carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.
PRAY TOGETHER: Praise God for over 675 churches participating in this year’s World Missions Offering. Pray that this number might multiply and that God would burden the hearts of people with the needs of the world.