“…and she bound the scarlet line in the window” (Joshua 2:21c).
We have a large sliding glass door that I have to clean often because our dogs press their little noses on the window, which makes it quite hard to see through. We have heart windows that get smudged and unclean from the world pressing its nose against them. These are dangerous days of false doctrines flooding our TV, radio and printed page. We need to keep our heart windows clean and clear so we can easily see the blood of Jesus and His message to us. A couple of things that will help us is our daily scripture reading, keeping in close fellowship with our church and denomination, and ask plenty of questions when a cloud of doubt falls around us.
We must keep the scarlet thread that runs through the Bible in clear view in our hearts window.
LaCrecia McFaddin TennesseePRAYER TOGETHER: Local WAC officers need our prayers and encouragement as they lead our groups.