And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers” (Acts 18:3).
The “them” mentioned in today’s key verse refers to Aquila and Priscilla. This couple provides an excellent example of people who understood how to do the “home stretch.” They also knew about using their home to serve God and others. They were tentmakers just like Paul who is referred to in our verse as well. That job connection opened the door to their home and led to a deep friendship with the Apostle.
It is not certain whether this couple were saved under Paul’s ministry. They met Paul in Corinth but were originally from Rome. They had left Rome because they were Jews. Their willingness to open their home to Paul and their hearts to the gospel Paul preached, paved the way for them to become Paul’s helpers in the ministry—what we might call “church planters.” Many times they even opened their home for worship. According to our study writer, this served a two-fold purpose: “They opened their home to encourage fellow believers and, at the same time, witness to non-believers.”
Be willing to build a bridge as Paul did, using a job, hobby or something else you might have in common with a person. And, when possible, show hospitality to him or her. You never know how God will use those factors.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Free Will Baptist brothers and sisters in Myanmar, who are facing many challenges (financial hardships, family pressures and other difficulties) as a result of their faith in Christ.