“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2).
As we look over God’s table, the first thing we may spot is a pitcher of milk. It’s the beverage of choice, especially for babes in Christ. Peter uses the analogy of a newborn first craving milk. As a baby grows, the need for more than milk becomes evident. Remember when you were first saved? Did you want to jump into the Word. You had so much to learn, but growth didn’t happen overnight. You had to start out on the “milk” of the Word. You just weren’t ready to dive into meatier things of the Bible. Just like you wouldn’t start a baby on solid food right away.
Many of us have gone past the “milk stage.” However, we must be careful not to lose any of our cravings for the Word. Go ahead and fill up your glass. Nourishing and refreshing, that “milk” still does a body good.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for state congressmen and officials. Ask God to help these individuals seek the good of all men and walk uprightly before the Lord.