“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them” (Acts 16:25).
I have faced my share of adversity. However, I’ve never been stripped, beaten and had my feet put in prison stocks like Paul and Silas. Yet today’s verse states this situation was far from their darkest hour. Those two men rejoiced in spite of their circumstances. I don’t think too many of us would feel like praying or singing during such an ordeal.
Try to imagine being an eyewitness to this prison scene. Think of the impact their testimony had on the other prisoners, and especially on the jailer. Paul and Silas did not give in to any form of weakness. This in itself was a miracle. However, the other miracle resulted in the salvation of the jailer and his household. Acts 16:34 records some major rejoicing at the home of the jailer.
To avoid atrophy during dark times, may I suggest knee exercises? I also suggest you do some of these daily to strengthen those muscles.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for North Carolina WAC president Diane Bridgman, as she continues to adjust to life after the recent passing of her husband.