“The people whom you have resettled in the towns of Israel do not know how to worship the God of the land…” (2 Kings 17:26 NLT).
What’s caused the downfall of our culture, the dysfunctionality of our families and the darkness of evil to fall over our land, our churches and our homes? I’m glad you asked. I think 2 Kings 17:26 holds the answer.
Oh, you may disagree on some level. You could argue that each and everyone of us knows how to worship, or point to an innate predisposition to lift our hands to our Creator or that God-shaped hole within us all. You might even bring up Scripture that states our purpose in life is to worship the Sovereign Lord.
Considering these factors…if we know how, if it’s in us to do it, if worship is what we’ve been made for—could it just be that we’re choosing not to? Would you agree that we’re not valuing the privilege of worship to the degree that we deem it necessary to pass on to our children?
Personally, I do believe it’s a matter of not knowing how. Not knowing how to put aside all others and worship the One. Not knowing how to push aside self-admiration to admit our powerlessness and His majesty. Not knowing how to throw aside burdens, sins and appearance issues to be able to worship in spirit and in truth.
Yes, we’re a culture that just doesn’t know how to worship—and what’s even sadder…we don’t care to learn.
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray that you might worship the Lord in spirit and truth today. Then, pray that same request for those within your congregation.