“And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord” (2 Samuel 12:13a).
The past two weeks we have dealt with the consequences and indicators of pride. Some may be left wondering if there is hope for the prideful heart. Yes, there is a remedy. It is found in the word “repentance.” The blood of Jesus can cover this ugly sin. As with all sin, one must come to terms with that sin. Admit it. This is the first step. If David hadn’t faced up to his sin, his relationship with God would not have been restored.
It is only when we realize our wrong that we can ever make things right. For the person with a prideful heart, this means swallowing that pride and, with a humble heart, returning to God.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for associate missionaries Jim and Sylvia Martin as they minister in Rochester, NY.