“About that time, Hezekiah became deathly ill. He prayed to the Lord, who healed him and gave him a miraculous sign. But Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness showed to him, and he became proud” (2 Chronicles 32:25 NLT).
Well, I’ve jumped head-long into another tough situation. I had the very best of intentions when I sought God’s direction in more areas of my life—those I need to be more involved in and those I need to drop like hot potatoes. I asked expecting. And now? Now God’s answering in hugely evident ways.
Like today’s verse.
I struggle with pride.
Always have.
But then again, you probably guessed that by the verse He spotlighted in my Scripture reading today.
I have a long record of inappropriate responses. I’ve walked away from several ministry opportunities that have left me with a sore arm—from patting myself on the back.
So? Pride is the next life lesson I’ll be working on. I’m going to start by adjusting my attitude to one of Christlikeness instead of the one I’ve been sporting. I’m going to change my outlook to one that seeks to place God first and to glorify Him—to give Him back the microphone if you will.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your church musicians today as they help guide your heart to worship.