” For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 2-3).
I remember when I was expecting my son, Isaiah. I recall preparing a room. Preparing our home. Preparing our lifestyle. Preparing our budget. Preparing our car. Preparing our families. Preparing our hearts.
The excitement. The anticipation. The awe. The wonder. The joy. The dreams. The hopes. The anxiety.
There’s another Baby’s coming that requires my preparation.
My schedule needs adjustment. My attitude needs adjustment. My mind needs adjustment. My emotions need some adjustment, too. Any grudges I have need to be set aside. Any bitterness I’m harboring needs to be placed out of my reach.
A wonderful Baby is about to arrive; am I as prepared? I’ve known of His coming. I’ve been made well aware of my need for Him.
Will I be prepared, heart and mind, when this Child arrives?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Remember the FWBIM family today as they grieve the loss and celebrate the homegoing of Chuck Snow. Chuck and his wife Fleda have been longtime Great Commission enthusiasts. Three of their four children have served as with FWBIM: Nathan (currently serving in Japan), Jonathan (Japan), and Rhoda (Cote d’Ivoire).
Also be much in prayer for these missionary Christmas outreach events today:
Miharashidai Church, Hokkaido, Japan—Christmas party for church family
Svishtov, Bulgaria—Children’s Christmas program and outreach at church
St. Nazaire, France—Live Nativity