“As for strength, he has it…” (Job 9:19 NLT).
Is strength what you’re lacking today?
The strength to continue?
The strength to get out of bed?
The strength to take the same stand you’ve been taking—again today?
The strength to believe?
The strength to love?
The strength to live?
Our bodies tire. Our minds attempt defeat. Our thoughts become clouded with doubt, fear and utter despair. Our efforts seem worthless and unnoticed. Our abilities seem lacking. Our best intentions go unappreciated. Our church family fails us. Our pastors don’t select the right Scriptures to inspire and convince us. Our mountains seem to grow higher, wider and more treacherous overnight. Our friends take sides: some encourage and prod; others lovingly mention it might be time to throw in the towel.
But, there remains hope…
Our God has all the strength we need to continue in the purpose He has for our lives.
Tap into it. Hook up to it. Soak it in. Ask for it again, and again, and again.
“As for strength, he has it…” Job 9:19 NLT
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for your church leadership as they establish new goals and seek to guide those within your church body to greater spiritual maturity.