You Can Stop

“Are you really the Messiah we’ve been waiting for, or should we keep looking for someone else?”  (Matthew 11:3 NLT).        

I’ve looked for a lot of things in this almost forty-year journey.  I’ve looked for my car keys, looked for my favorite lip gloss, looked for my cell phone on more occasions than I care to think about.

I’ve looked for that special diet that’ll work in less than twenty-four hours.  The one that allows me to continue eating the way I like and requires no exercise.

I’ve looked for that perfect pair of blue jeans.  The ones that fit just right, feel just right, wash up well and have the mislabeled tag a few sizes smaller than my actual size.

I’ve looked for the potluck recipe that’ll knock the socks off every member of my church family with one bite.

I’ve looked, and looked, and looked, for that magical anti-wrinkle cream that I’m pretty sure will take away all the crow’s feet and fine lines overnight.

Oh, don’t laugh—you’ve spent plenty of time looking yourself…

For that knight-in-shining-armor.  (Here’s a clue:  I’ve found the last one—and am raising the next.)  For that perfect church.  And pastor.  And set of deacons.  And Sunday School teacher.  And music minister.  And door greeter.  Need I continue?

For that magic pill that will erase ugly pasts, set into motion brilliantly bright futures and fill you with patience in the present.

Well, you and I will be looking a long time for a few things—but not the most important, most relevant, most life-changing, most amazing thing there is…

Jesus Christ.

Malinda Edgell

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for pastor’s wife Jackie Gasperson of Asheville, North Carolina, whose husband Danny is on a 10-day teaching trip in Central Asia. Ask God to protect her, give her strength and encourage her in ministry during this time.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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