Why is Jonah so Angry?

“But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry” (Jonah 4:1).

Obviously Jonah was a work in progress. Why should he be so angry? You would have thought he would have been rejoicing with the people of Nineveh. Instead, he was mad that Nineveh didn’t get what was coming to them. They had sinned greatly, straying far from God. I think Jonah had a lot of nerve to wish God would have punished them for their evil deeds. Jonah even complained to God about His compassion and other attributes. He felt God was too easy on Nineveh, more or less letting them off the hook. How quickly Jonah forgot that God had shown compassion on Him and let him off the hook, too.

There should be joy in the camp when sinners repent or backsliders are reclaimed. We should never wish the worst on sinners but do what we can to be a witness and testimony to them. Then when they are saved, rejoice with them because God has saved their lives from eternal destruction.

Sue Winchester

PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Sarah Malone, Friday evening speaker at the WNAC National Retreat as she travels and prepares to share concerning her work as a teacher in Asia.

About Treasure

The study guide of Women Nationally Active for Christ of the National Association of Free Will Baptists Treasure, P.O. Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013 877-767-7662
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