“…Praise the Lord who has given you a family redeemer today…” (Ruth 4:14 NLT).
I know, I know, the King James Version refers to Boaz, in the account of Ruth, as a kinsman redeemer—but I sure like the sound and thoughts behind this translation’s choice of words.
Are you praising the Lord for providing a family Redeemer for your household today?
Are you fully aware of the blessings this Redeemer brings into your lives—present, and most certainly, future?
Are you consistent, persistent and committed to making sure generations of your family learn to love, worship and serve this Redeemer?
You do know Him personally, don’t you?
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for new believers in Christ, especially those in mission churches. Pray that they will faithfully attend worship services and develop meaningful relationships within the body of Christ as they grow in their relationship with Christ.