“Ye are of God, little children and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
Concerning today’s verse, Albert Barnes, in his commentary, offers these insights. “Ye are of God—You are of his family; you have embraced his truth, and imbibed his Spirit. And have overcome them—Have triumphed over their arts and temptations; their endeavors to draw you into error and sin. The word them in this place seems to refer to the false prophets or teachers who collectively constituted antichrist. The meaning is, that they had frustrated or thwarted all their attempts to turn them away from the truth. Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world—God, who dwells in your hearts, and by whose strength and grace alone you have been enabled to achieve this victory, is more mighty than Satan, who rules in the hearts of the people of this world, and whose seductive arts are seen in the efforts of these false teachers. The apostle meant to say that it was by no power of their own that they achieved this victory, but it was to be traced solely to the fact that God dwelt among them, and had preserved them by his grace. What was true then is true now. He who dwells in the hearts of Christians by his Spirit, is infinitely more mighty than Satan, ‘the ruler of the darkness of this world;’ and victory, therefore, over all his arts and temptations may be sure. In his conflicts with sin, temptation, and error, the Christian should never despair, for his God will insure him the victory.”
We can continue to overcome if we will firmly believe, “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” We have spent time this week identifying our Enemy. Next week we will share some thoughts about the battle our enemy continues to rage against us.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for safety of travel for Elizabeth Hodges as she attends the Arkansas State WAC meeting this weekend.