“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed†(John 8:36).
Today is Independence Day in America. We celebrate the freedom we often take for granted. In spite of the spiritual condition our nation is in, we are blessed. Many countries are not as blessed and don’t have the freedoms we have. We sing of our nation being the “land of the free†but many within our land are not free. They are bound by sin and only the Son of God can set them free. Once He does, they will know the true meaning of freedom.
My spiritual independence day came on November 2, 1958. Do you remember the day Christ set you free from the bondage of sin? That is a day you should celebrate with praise and thanksgiving.
As you raise flags and view fireworks remember those who have fought and are still fighting for the freedoms we enjoy today. Set aside some time to also remember how Jesus gave His life that we could be made “free indeed.â€
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray as CMP (College Missions Programs) minister in Bulgaria July 6-30.