“Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).
The devil was tossed out of heaven because of pride. If he can lull you into a sense of false security, he will attack you with the weapon of pride. Because we are in a daily spiritual battle, we cannot let down our guard. We can’t become so sure of ourselves that it leads us away from God. If we do, we become easy prey for the devil to devour. Be careful you don’t develop “I” trouble. It will lead to your fall.
Spending time on bended knee will keep us humble and help us remember we must be totally dependent on God. Here’s a thought for Day 4 of our PreEaster Week of Prayer.
“The battle we face is a spiritual conflict. It must be fought and won by men and women of God who are willing to intercede for missionary families as they invade enemy territory held uncontested for centuries. Satan does not meekly give up his prey. He counterattacks fiercely in many unexpected ways. The missionary must have intercessors who stand alongside, praying on a regular and systematic basis.”
– David Wang
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray today for these global mission opportunities.
Japan — In April 2010, Judy and Ken Bailey helped start a Kids’ Club.
They started with five children, but the club has grown to ten. Every
Sunday afternoon the group meets for an hour. They have a lesson
in English and a Bible lesson in Japanese. Once a month, three members
of the Iriso FWB Church puppet ministry come and present a
Bible lesson. The Baileys also plan “outreach parties” for the entire
family. These events give non-believers an opportunity to become
acquainted with a Christian church. Ask God to make the Baileys’
witness effective and ask the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the
individuals they encounter to make them receptive to the gospel.
E-TEAM — More than 80 students, accompanied by 18 adults, will
participate in this year’s student missions efforts. They will form
nine teams ministering in eight different countries. Praise God! National
pastors will lead the team activities in Brazil, Cuba, and Kazakhstan.
Pray for the teens who participate, that they will have a
positive impact in every place they visit, and that God will use this
experience to instill in them a passion for world missions. Ask God
for wisdom for their leaders and those with whom they will interact.