“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty†(2 Corinthians 3:17)
Praise the Lord for the liberty He gives at our lowest moments, at our weakest moments, in the times when trials and tribulations surround us and when we feel alone. In these times we can feel the freedom of the Lord in our hearts. True freedom only comes from the Lord and can make us feel peace in our most calamity-filled moments. It is our freedom to feel happy, to have joy and peace, to know we are forgiven and on our way to heaven. Praise the Lord for the freedom He bought and paid for with His precious blood and freely gives to His children.
LaCrecia McFaddin
PRAY TOGETHER: Begin praying today for each state president, field worker, delegate, executive committee member or WNAC office personnel attending the convention.