“…Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you” (1 Samuel 12:24 NLT).
I’ve heard what you’re facing.
I know your prayer lists are long and added to continually.
I understand the feeling of being forgotten, set aside and impatient.
But as we’re instructed today, maybe it’s time to grab a pen and jot down all the wonderful things God has done for you.
Go ahead, make a list. Not of what remains undone, but of all He’s accomplished, blessed with and provided. It doesn’t take the pain of want of away, but it will remind you of His faithfulness, love and grace.
Want to know what to begin with? How about the fact that you can pick up a pen. That you have eyes to read. That you live in a country where words from the Lord are not something you need to hide away. That you’ve been able to get out of bed.
The lists go on and on…
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray pastors and missionaries around the world will remain faithful, even in the midst of great spiritual warfare. Ask God to remind them to clothe themselves in the armor of His Word, seek His will above all else, and not be distracted by Satan’s strategies. Pray pastors and missionaries will have wisdom in counseling the many people in our churches who face challenging situations. Pray God will minister through them to those who are hurting, persecuted, suffering, distressed and sin-sick. Ask Him to glorify Himself through their submission to Him.