“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
For parents who have trained their children by example. yet whose children have strayed away from God, this verse offers hope. Those of us who have prodigals need to hold on to this familiar Scripture. When we feel we have done our best, we have to give this burden to the Lord….and “leave it there.” The Enemy has targeted our children. We may feel somehow we have failed. Don’t give up fighting for the souls of our children.
Continue to pray and use any opportunity to show the love of Jesus. If we don’t, we may feel like a target as well.
I have heard testimonies of prodigals coming back to Christ because they remembered their raising. When they return, the Enemy is defeated, and all Heaven rejoices.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for upcoming spring banquets and teas planned as women’s outreach events. Ask God to draw unsaved and unchurched women to these activities and allow them to feel the welcoming warmth and love of the Body of Christ. Pray that many will find salvation.
From FWBIM: Ask God to call more young men to pastor churches in the countries in which we work. Many churches begun by missionaries need local pastors. Pray for men willing to study, train, and take on the role of a servant-leader.