Consider these insights about Thyatira from
“Though not easily fortified, Thyatira was on a major trade route and was well known for its trade guilds – there were carpenters, dyers, sellers of goods, tanners, weavers, tent makers, etc all making a living from their trade. You might remember Lydia in Philippi. She was a trader of fine cloth and came from Thyatira. She was in fact one of Paul’s first converts when he visited Thyatira on his second missionary journey (Acts 16).”
“Now these guilds were somewhat similar to our trade unions 15 to 20 years ago. It was very difficult for the blue collar tradesmen and women to make a living unless they were a part of one of these guilds. They differed from trade unions, however, in that they were linked with the worship of other gods. Each guild had its particular guardian god and as a member, you would be expected to attend all its functions and participate in its activities which included offerings, feasts and often immoral behaviour. The members of the church in Thyatira were torn between making a living on the one hand which meant having to be part of the guilds and on the other hand staying faithful to Christ and his standards.”
Christ offered some glowing remarks about the church. They looked like the model church on the outside. But Jezebel was on the church roll. She called herself a prophetess and people were gullible enough to believe her false teaching. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel. The Enemy was using her to “spoil” the church at Thyatira. Sometimes it only takes one person to destroy everything a church is trying to do for the cause of Christ.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for effective evangelism efforts both on individual and church-driven levels. Pray relationships with non-believers will lead to many men and women coming to Christ. Pray those who share the gospel with people who have never heard will be able to clearly communicate the concepts of personal sin, God’s sacrifical provision, and salvation. Pray for clarity of thought and leading from the Holy Spirit in every evangelistic effort. Ask God to help missionaries use culturally-relevant concepts to explain eternal truth.