Read Acts 2:14-42.
As you read this exciting Scripture text, don’t you wish you could have been there on the day of Pentecost? Peter would no longer be defined by his failures. Peter, full of the Holy Ghost, preached and 3,000 souls were saved. God used the lips that once denied Christ to boldly preach the gospel.
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Indiana Woman Active for Christ meeting together for their annual state meeting today and tomorrow.
We find in Acts 3 the account of the healing of a lame man. It was Peter who, in the name of Jesus, helped this lame man leap for joy. Peter made a comeback thanks to the grace of God. That gives us hope that in spite of any setbacks we face, Christ is there to help us pick up the pieces.
Dear friend, once you give Him those broken pieces, He will give you the power to do extraordinary things for Him…like Peter.
The words of the chorus in the beautiful song, “Sinner Saved By Grace” provide a great ending to this week’s devotional focus. The whole song vividly describes Peter and us, today. We, too, are nothing without God’s grace.
I’m just a sinner saved by grace.
When I stood condemned to death,
He took my place.
Now I live and breathe in freedom
With each breath of life I take.
Loved and forgiven, backed with a living
I’m just a sinner saved by grace.