“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you†(Matthew 28:20a).
Jesus made His Plan for sharing the gospel easy. Just teach what He has already taught in His Word. Go with what you already know. It is the same for us today. Someone taught you and pointed you to Christ, then helped you grow in His Word. Now it’s your turn to go and share those truths with others.
After you were saved, you wanted to follow the example of Jesus and be baptized, to show that you identified with God. Being baptized by immersion, showed you were dying to your sins, going under the water, you buried those sins, and when you came up out of the water, you arose to a new life in Christ. Remember the joy you felt being saved, and then baptized? You should desire to share what you have learned and experienced so others can have that same joy. Those you have taught can then begin to teach others the same way you taught them. It’s an awesome responsibility but well worth the effort. If each one would only reach one, the whole world could be won to Christ! Jesus didn’t make it a “mission impossible.â€
Sue Winchester
PRAY TOGETHER: Are we letting our little light shine where we are planted?