“They cried out to God during the battle, and God answered their prayer because they trusted him” (1 Chronicles 5:20 NLT).
I have to be reminded of verses like this on numerous occasions. You see, I tend to take things into my own hands, rely upon my own strength and depend upon my planning and organizational abilities.
And then the bottom drops out of what I’m doing. Or the battle escalates. Or my plans go awry. Or I fall and cannot get up. Or my organized chart is missing a very important step.
God answered their prayers because of absolutely nothing they did other than trust Him. I can do that. I can trust He knows. I can trust He has my best interests at heart. I can trust that He sees and knows the future. I can trust that His strength is sufficient.
I can trust. That’s my part; that’s all God asks of me.
Malinda Edgell
PRAY TOGETHER: Pray for Impact Tampa events happening today. Ask God to bless volunteer efforts, give participants a servants’ heart and produce spiritual fruit in both the givers and receivers.